Local Permits & Guidelines
All permits for filming on public property in the region are coordinated through the Mobile Film Office. This office will ensure that all municipalities and agencies are notified and that the required logistical information is processed. All permits MUST be approved before film-making can begin. In general, a minimum of 48 hours notice is required for all permits.
All productions must submit Certificates of Public Liability Insurance in the amount of $1 million prior to film-making within the region. The insurance certificate will name the City as additional insured.
City of Mobile
P.O .Box 1827
Mobile, AL
Copies of the certificate will also be filed with the Mobile Film Office.
Special Effects
A special effects permit is required from the appropriate City or County Fire Department for scenes involving flames, smoke, explosives and pyrotechnic effects.
Notification of Impacted Residents & Businesses
The Production Company is responsible for notifying all businesses and residents affected by the filming activity. Notification shall take place no less than three(3) business days prior to filming in a residential area and no less than (5) business days for filming in a commercial area. Earlier notification, including “sign off” sheets may be required in places where
planned activities may have significant impact on normal activities of the area. Exceptions may be made for low impact filming. The area to be covered by notification may vary depending on the impact of the proposed activity, but will be a minimum of one(1) or (2) blocks in each direction of the activity, including parking areas for equipment and “base camps”, if necessary.
In the case of intermittent street closure, adjacent property owners must be notified by the Production Company at least three (3) days prior to filming. For street closures, written approval (sign-off sheet) of adjacent property owners is required. In the case of cars to be removed from a street for production, three (3) days notification of adjacent property owners is required.
All on-street parking of production vehicles MUST be approved prior to preproduction activities.
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